Readme Block


The readme{} block in the list file allows for the direct rendering of Markdown content within the list file itself.

Fetching Content:

The URL specified in the readme variable is accessed to retrieve the Markdown content.

Converting to Text:

The retrieved content is then converted to text format. This text content is assumed to be in Markdown format.

Rendering Markdown:

The Markdown content retrieved from the URL is rendered directly within the list file. This means that you can include Markdown snippets within the list file, and Paimon will automatically render them during processing.

Example Usage:

readme ""

In this example:

  • The readme variable is assigned the URL "".
  • Scimon will fetch the content from the specified URL and process it as described above.


The Markdown content retrieved from the URL is rendered directly within the list file. This means that you can include Markdown snippets within the list file, and Paimon will automatically render them during processing.

Example Usage:

readme {
    # My Project

    This is an example of how you can use the `readme{}` block to include Markdown content directly in the Paimon list file.

    ## Example Section

    Here's an example of Python code:

    def hello_world():
        print("Hello, world!")

    ![Example Image](

In the above example:

  • The content inside the readme{} block is treated as Markdown.
  • It can include titles, paragraphs, code, images, and other Markdown-supported elements.
  • During the processing of the list file, Scimon will render this Markdown content within the context of the list file.

This provides a convenient way to include documentation, code examples, images, and other elements directly within the list file, keeping everything in one place and making it easy to maintain and share the content.