Basic Usage

You can download files using a local or remote list with scimon. Here are the instructions for both methods:

Downloading Files

To download files specified in a local list, use the following command:

scimon -r scimon.mon

Useful Flags for Download List

There are several flags available to customize the download process. Here are some commonly used ones:

Download Without Skipping Any Files

Use the --no-ignore flag to download all files without skipping any:

scimon -r scimon.mon --no-ignore

Skip All Comments

Use the --no-comments flag to skip downloading lines that are comments:

scimon -r scimon.mon --no-comments

Skip README File Rendering

Use the --no-readme flag to skip rendering README files during the download process:

scimon -r scimon.mon --no-readme

By using these flags, you can control how scimon handles different parts of the download list, ensuring a customized download process according to your needs.